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Respect Tou PK Shoot | 拍攝Respect Tou PK MV

Wow, what a night ! We're done shooting but we really want to thank everyone for showing up and supporting and hanging out till we finished !! You guys are dope !!

A.N.D crew, RESPECT TOU POK GUY !!! Great having everyone there. Alex Smith, you rocked !! Dan F and Pat, and whole of Yumla crew, thanks you very much for all the help. Big up to Jimmy, lang chai tou pok guy! Andrew also lang chai tou pok guy! Candice and Ryan, cheers !!! Ryan's 21st birthday !! Support tou pok guy !! We're feeling the love !! So many others, Marina, Kit Chan, Berton Chang, Simon, Andy from Spain, Leung Tong Forum and Car Car@Metro radio, Ifat, CatsLove, Lunlunfull, Frankie, BallBall, Wza, Tanguy, Artoo, RumbleSoda and many more. Check out the photos !!

|  哇,昨晚太棒了!我們拍了MV,感謝所有到場的朋友給我們的支持,一直到拍攝完畢!!你們都很棒!!

非常感謝AnD家族!!!每個人都來了。Alex Smith超棒!! Dan F、Pat以及Yumla的朋友們,感謝你們的幫助。Jimmy、Andrew、Candice和Ryan!!! Ryan21歲生日快樂!!謝謝各位支持!!感受到了大家的愛!!還有許多朋友:Marina、Kit Chan、Berton Chang、Simon、Andy from Spain、Leung Tong Forum、Car Car@Metro radio、Ifat、CatsLove、Lunlunfull、Frankie、BallBall、Wza、Tanguy、Artoo及RumbleSoda…看照片!!

|   哇,昨晚太棒了!我们拍了MV,感谢所有到场的朋友给我们的支持,一直到拍摄完毕!!你们都很棒!!非常感谢AnD家族!!!每个人都来了。Alex Smith超棒!! Dan F、Pat以及Yumla的朋友们,感谢你们的帮助。Jimmy、Andrew、Candice和Ryan!!! Ryan21岁生日快乐!!谢谢各位支持!!感受到了大家的爱!!还有许多朋友:Marina、Kit Chan、Berton Chang、Simon、Andy from Spain、Leung Tong Forum、Car Car@Metro radio、Ifat、CatsLove、Lunlunfull、Frankie、BallBall、Wza、Tanguy、Artoo及RumbleSoda…看照片!![](/attachments/2007/09/62_200709051136142.thumb.jpg)

17 年多 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it was pretty cool! can't wait to see what magic Alex works in the editing room. thanks for letting us join in on the fun.
17 年多 ago
Photo 33427
booze = good music = good filming = good mucho hot chicas = double plus good many fat guys in white t-shirts rammed into one toilet cubicle = not so good end result, all good! was fun seeing the vid come together, thanks for swinging it at the bar. best of luck with the release.
17 年多 ago
Photo 36157
Support!!! Love to see you live!
17 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Sorry I couldn't stay the whole time. I promised conroy I'd do a porno video as a punishment. Keep it up pok guys. Look forward to the video. I'm sure it'll be amazing!!
17 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
SO cool~!
17 年多 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
That was a lot of fun. Thanx for and the love and I can't wait to see the finished MV. Respect tou PK!
17 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007