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24 Herbs
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Summer Pop|夏日流行音樂節|夏日流行音乐节

This weekend, we have been invited to play at the Summer Pop show at the Expo near the airport both Saturday and Sunday. Its looking like we will be opening the show so come at 3pm if you wanna see some 24Mei. There will be many artists playing so don't miss it !! | 這個周六和周日,我們被邀請到機場附近的亞博館為夏日流行音樂節表演。貌似我們要做開場秀,所以請想看到我們的朋友在下午三點時來吧。會有許多藝人的表演,千萬別錯過了!! | 这个周六和周日,我们被邀请到机场附近的亚博馆为夏日流行音乐节表演。貌似我们要做开场秀,所以请想看到我们的朋友在下午三点时来吧。会有许多艺人的表演,千万别错过了!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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doh, i'm in China on Saturday. :-(
over 15 years ago


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April 10, 2007