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Thank your Malaysia !!|感謝馬來西亞|感谢马来西亚

Just back from a 4 day 3 gig mini tour of Malaysia with thanks to Chivas, we went to Ipoh and then two clubs in Sunway. It was fun but quite a lot of time spent sitting in the bus. Thank you to all the pips that turned up to support us. Good to see the Manhand guys. We were even lucky enough to have Zhou Xun come and support us on the friday night in Sunway. She was there shooting a TVC and came along with some friends. On the saturday nite, lots of our friends came along to party with us however, sunday morning was very rough as we had to get up at 6am for the flight. We then went straight to the HK Convention Center to receive our award for the highest downloaded song for the English version of Forgiveness.... no idea what number it was but thanks !! Last night, let's parteeeee ![](/attachments/2010/03/22/13/62_2010032213301729.thumb.jpg)We love Malaysian food...Smoking in hotels is fine but no Durians.....Its been a hard day's night... | 剛從馬來西亞回來,在這四天的短暫行程裏,做了三場表演,感謝Chivas的贊助,我們去了lpoh和Sunway的兩個 Club,除了很多時間花在坐車上以外,其他都很有趣啊。感謝前來支持我們的歌迷,很高興看到慢行的成員們。在Sunway的周五晚上,我們甚至非常幸運地得到 周迅前來捧場,她碰巧在當地拍片,所以就和一班朋友來了。周六晚上,很多朋友們都來party,於是,周日的早晨就顯得疲憊難熬,因為我們不得不6 點鐘就早起去趕飛機。隨後,我們直接去了香港會展中心領一個為Forgiveness英文版頒發的“下載量最高歌曲”的獎項,真不太清楚那個數字有多少,只有感謝大家了!

最後一晚,我們一起來party我們愛大馬的美食酒店可以吸煙,但不許吃榴蓮剛過了一個疲憊的夜晚| 刚从马来西亚回来,在这四天的短暂行程里,做了三场表演,感谢Chivas的赞助,我们去了lpoh和Sunway的两个 Club,除了很多时间花在坐车上以外,其他都很有趣啊。感谢前来支持我们的歌迷,很高兴看到慢行的成员们。在Sunway的周五晚上,我们甚至非常幸运 地得到 周迅前来捧场,她碰巧在当地拍片,所以就和一班朋友来了。周六晚上,很多朋友们都来party,于是,周日的早晨就显得疲惫难熬,因为我们不得不6 点钟就早起去赶飞机。随后,我们直接去了香港会展中心领一个为Forgiveness英文版颁发的“下载量最高歌曲”的奖项,真不太清楚那个数字有多少, 只有感谢大家了!


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Photo 49217
good to see ur guys too~
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007