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24 Herbs
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Things to do before a gig....|演出之前要做的事|演出之前要做的事

Whenever we get to perform, there is always a lot of waiting around. Most other artists are busy putting on make up and making themselves look good. We at 24Herbs have pretty much decided that no amount of make up will make us look better so most of the time we are chilling or having some fun. After the first day of the Summer Pop gig, we realized that we have a really large hall as a dressing room, so on the second day, Eddie bought a soccer ball in. As mentioned before we had a great game of football with Solar and some of the Mister boys. The Solar boys can have Italian blood in them so they got some football skills in their genes. Unfortunately the security had to stop us playing football. So we decided to take turns kicking the ball at Conroy a.k.a Drunk's balls instead. This actually went on for about 30mins, I think he has got balls of steel as he never really complained.  Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BL3JmgXKiA | 每當我們演出時,總有許多準備工作要做。大多數的其他藝術家總忙著化妝以使自己看起來更好。而我們的決定是不需要那麽多的化妝去令我們更好看,所以大多數時候我們會玩玩或做一些有趣的事。Summer Pop 第一天的演出結束後,我們意識到有一個非常的大廳作為化妝間,所以第二天Eddie 拿了一個足球去,正像之前提過的我們與Sloar 以及Mister boys 中的幾個來了一場球賽。Solar boys 可能有意大利血統所以他們天生就有足球天賦啊。不巧的是保安不得不阻止我們踢球,所以我們決定換作輪流把球向Conroy 身上踢。這實際持續了差不多半小時,我想他很耐疼,因為他從沒真的抱怨。 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BL3JmgXKiA| 每当我们演出时,总有许多准备工作要做。大多数的其他艺术家总忙着化妆以使自己看起来更好。而我们的决定是不需要那么多的化妆去令我们更好看,所以大多数时候我们会玩玩或做一些有趣的事。Summer Pop 第一天的演出结束后,我们意识到有一个非常的大厅作为化妆间,所以第二天Eddie 拿了一个足球去,正像之前提过的我们与Sloar 以及Mister boys 中的几个来了一场球赛。Solar boys 可能有意大利血统所以他们天生就有足球天赋啊。不巧的是保安不得不阻止我们踢球,所以我们决定换作轮流把球向Conroy 身上踢。这实际持续了差不多半小时,我想他很耐疼,因为他从没真的抱怨。 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BL3JmgXKiA

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