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24 Herbs
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照做 Jiu Jo

Keep y'all updated on the competition we are now at 154 votes. It's turning out to be a healthy competition now. 3 more days left to vote. Thanks to all of u who've given us your support! Those of u who have not voted yet pls go to the link and if you want see 24Herbs...pls vote for artist 24Herbs! Thanks and Blesshttp://www.alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8照做 Jiu Jo (means "do it" or "keep at it, do it anyway") was a slept on song, but still became a classic tune and an inspirational song to many listeners. It's strange that there was never an MV for it but that's the way it goes sometimes. How the song came about was GS on the beat, then, while we were all hanging out eating dinner listening to beats, JBS came up with the words "照做 Jiu Jo". Then, Phat and Kit came up with the Cantonese and that was basically the song! In Hong Kong, there are many people always around, complaining, criticizing others and their lives. We address this issue, by saying, "look, stop all the whining and talking, if you don't like something then just go out there and fix it! Just do it!"Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeKvBMgsWlYOne highlight was " 照做 Jiu Jo" was featured on  www.nikeskateboarding.com while the team were in China doin' a tour (last Feb). Mad traffic on that site. In a small and meaningful way this song went out to the people.On our album we had a remix disc 2. On it was "照做 Jiu Jo" ft. Jin. The story on that was, at 8five2 shop, JBS was listening to the "照做 Jiu Jo" instrumental. Jin heard it and was feelin' it. After JBS told him what the song was about, he was down to feature. So, we got a straight posse cut ft. tha Emcee.Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9KHmxUR9RMOh, actually we do have an MV for "照做 Jiu Jo". We did a project for Aids Concern. At first, we were playing with the idea to use the original and change the lyrics. But, it became apparent that it wouldn't fit and "照做 Jiu Jo" was such a serious song that couldn't really be touched. So, we made a new track with the title "照做 Jiu Jo". DorYuk on the beat making something club-y smooth for the listeners. Sex is a sensitive topic, but we're glad we at least contributed to the overall Aids awareness-which is really needed. Stay safe people!The MV was directed by Kim Chan. It also featured a cast of fun-loving AnD girls and DanTran. Check out the cameos! Thanks y'all! The location was the old Star TV Building in Sai Kung. It was crazy there because of the abandoned feeling it had...straight out of a spooky movie. Special shout-out to Aids Concern Crew. Also, very honorable mention to our boy TDog (Terence Yin) who in all of our videos, helps behind the scenes to get things rolling! You the man TDog!Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Qz50nS_2EThanks for reading y'all! Whatever u do, when things get tough and get you down, put on this song, keep your head up and "照做 Jiu Jo!" |由於你們的不斷努力,現在我們的票數是154了。這場比賽必定會是一場良性的競爭,只有三天時間可以投票了,感謝給予我們支持的朋友們,還沒有投票的朋友請快去以下鏈接,如果你想看到24Herbs,請為我們投票吧!謝謝並祝福你們!

照做 Jiu Jo(是“做這個”或者“無論如何,堅持做”的意思)是首慢歌,不過對於很多聽者來說仍然是首有著經典旋律的金曲。很奇怪,從來也沒為這首歌做過MV,但有時現實的情況就是如此奇異。這首歌是這麽產生的:GS先有了節奏,然後在我們出去吃飯時聽了它,JBS就即興創作了歌詞“照做 Jiu Jo”,接著,Phat和Kit加上了粵語,這就基本上完成了這首歌。在香港,很多人總是抱怨,批評別人以及他們的生活。借由話語我們想要傳達的主題是“ 註意啦,停止一切的訴苦和空談吧,如果你看不慣某些事那就站出來去改變它,行動起來吧”!

“照做 Jiu Jo”的一個精華版在www.nikeskateboarding.com上,那時(今年二月)這個團隊正在中國做巡回表演。那個站點訪問量很大,這首歌就是通過這樣小小的但有意義的方式和見面大家的。

在我們的歌曲列表裏有個remix disc 2,是ft.Jin版的“照做 Jiu Jo”。故事是這樣的,那天在8five2 shop,JBS正在聽“照做 Jiu Jo”的樂器版,Jin聽到了並且很有感覺,在JBS告知了他這首歌的意義後,Jin加進了他的創作。於是,我們就有了一個straight posse cut ft.tha Emcee。

哦,事實上我們為“照做 Jiu Jo”做了一支MV,是為艾滋關愛行動做的。起初,我們所持的想法是旋律不變只變歌詞,但是,這顯然很不恰當,“照做 Jiu Jo”這首歌很嚴肅,我們沒法隨意改動。所以,我們用“照做 Jiu Jo”為標題另作了一首歌。DorYuk 為歌迷在節奏上做了一些club-y smooth的處理。性是個敏感的話題,但是我們很高興至少對提高全方位預防艾滋的意識有所貢獻,這一點很關鍵。大家別冒險啊。

這支MV由Kim Chan指導,可愛的And girls和Dan Tran也有客串演出。在播放列表裏找吧。謝謝大家啊!拍攝地點是在九龍的Star TV的舊大樓,那種被遺棄的感覺真的很瘋狂,好像身處驚悚電影一般,特別感謝艾滋關愛行動團隊。另外,很榮幸的提及我們的TDog boy(尹子維),他全程參與了MV,在幕後協調各項事宜。You the man TDog!

   謝謝你們讀以上這些。無論你做什麽,不管世事艱難或者生活順利與否,請像這首歌裏說的那樣,昂著你的頭“照做 Jiu Jo”!| 由于你们的不断努力,现在我们的票数是154了。这场比赛必定会是一场良性的竞争,只有三天时间可以投票了,感谢给予我们支持的朋友们,还没有投票的朋友请快去以下链接,如果你想看到24Herbs,请为我们投票吧!谢谢并祝福你们!

照做 Jiu Jo(是“做这个”或者“无论如何,坚持做”的意思)是首慢歌,不过对于很多听者来说仍然是首有着经典旋律的金曲。很奇怪,从来也没为这首歌做过MV,但 有时现实的情况就是如此奇异。这首歌是这么产生的:GS先有了节奏,然后在我们出去吃饭时听了它,JBS就即兴创作了歌词“照做 Jiu Jo”,接着,Phat和Kit加上了粤语,这就基本上完成了这首歌。在香港,很多人总是抱怨,批评别人以及他们的生活。借由话语我们想要传达的主题是“ 注意啦,停止一切的诉苦和空谈吧,如果你看不惯某些事那就站出来去改变它,行动起来吧”!

“照做 Jiu Jo”的一个精华版在www.nikeskateboarding.com上,那时(今年二月)这个团队正在中国做巡回表演。那个站点访问量很大,这首歌就是通过这样小小的但有意义的方式和见面大家的。

在我们的歌曲列表里有个remix disc 2,是ft.Jin版的“照做 Jiu Jo”。故事是这样的,那天在8five2 shop,JBS正在听“照做 Jiu Jo”的乐器版,Jin听到了并且很有感觉,在JBS告知了他这首歌的意义后,Jin加进了他的创作。于是,我们就有了一个straight posse cut ft.tha Emcee。

哦,事实上我们为“照做 Jiu Jo”做了一支MV,是为艾滋关爱行动做的。起初,我们所持的想法是旋律不变只变歌词,但是,这显然很不恰当,“照做 Jiu Jo”这首歌很严肃,我们没法随意改动。所以,我们用“照做 Jiu Jo”为标题另作了一首歌。DorYuk 为歌迷在节奏上做了一些club-y smooth的处理。性是个敏感的话题,但是我们很高兴至少对提高全方位预防艾滋的意识有所贡献,这一点很关键。大家别冒险啊。

这支MV由Kim Chan指导,可爱的And girls和Dan Tran也有客串演出。在播放列表里找吧。谢谢大家啊!拍摄地点是在九龙的Star TV的旧大楼,那种被遗弃的感觉真的很疯狂,好像身处惊悚电影一般,特别感谢艾滋关爱行动团队。另外,很荣幸的提及我们的TDog boy(尹子维),他全程参与了MV,在幕后协调各项事宜。You the man TDog!

   谢谢你们读以上这些。无论你做什么,不管世事艰难或者生活顺利与否,请像这首歌里说的那样,昂着你的头“照做 Jiu Jo”!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think jiu jou is my favorite track so far...
over 15 years ago
Photo 446869
Jiu Jo, ngor yao yao ge zhi gei ge lou....This song is my fav too!
over 15 years ago


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