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24 Herbs
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鄭秀文 Sammi / 24 Herbs《Forgiveness》MV

Had our first rehearsal for Sammi's Concert coming up: Dec 24-Jan 3. 24Herbs will perform this song most of the nights. Sammi's been workin' hard along with crew and band should be a great show. Add oil Sammi! Also, tickets are really hard to come by!!! There were two versions made; one Cantonese (which has become a hit everywhere) and one English, which is the sleeper hit! haha...anyways enjoy! peaceVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6A_MmZr8nsGS | 剛剛為鄭秀文(Sammi)12月24日到1月3日的演唱會做了第一次的排演。在演唱會的大多數晚上甘四味會演唱這首歌曲。鄭秀文(Sammi)和工作人員、樂隊一起辛苦的籌備著,這場演唱會一定會很精彩。加油鄭秀文(Sammi)!同時,票真的很搶手啊!!!這首歌有兩個版本;一個是粵語版(已經在各地轟動一時了),另一個是英文版,也是一匹黑馬!哈哈。。。總之好好享受吧!和平Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6A_MmZr8nsGS| 刚刚为郑秀文(Sammi)12月24日到1月3日的演唱会做了第一次的排演。在演唱会的大多数晚上甘四味会演唱这首歌曲。郑秀文(Sammi)和工作人员、乐队一起辛苦的筹备着,这场演唱会一定会很精彩。加油郑秀文(Sammi)!同时,票真的很抢手啊!!!这首歌有两个版本;一个是粤语版(已经在各地轰动一时了),另一个是英文版,也是一匹黑马!哈哈。。。总之好好享受吧!和平HQ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6A_MmZr8ns

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Photo 510858
sweet the english version finally! thanks again for everything at HK nites! we got the vid almost ready!
about 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Nice to have a English version too. I wish I can get tickets to the show, I may have to dig a bit to find some tickets as a Christmas present for my mom.
about 15 years ago
Good show, guys! Love Sammi. Very cool collaboration.
about 15 years ago


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