Date:Friday, October 30thTime:6-7pmPlace:Club 71, Basement, 67 Hollywood Road (entrance at Man Hing Lane)Notes:You must have someone present to draw the genre for your film in our random drawing. Please limit total attendees to 3 people.###Dropoff Date:Sunday, November 1stTime:6:30-9:30pm (by 19:30 to be on time!)Place:Club 71, Basement, 67 Hollywood Road (entrance at Man Hing Lane)Notes:Your film must be received by 7:30 pm—and not a second later—to be considered on-time and eligible for all awards. (Late films will still be screened, so be sure to get them in!)###Premiere Screenings Date:Friday, November 6thTime:8:30pmPlace:Agnes b Cinema, HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, WanchaiTickets:50 HKDNotes:Reserve tickets by emailing hongkong@48hourfilm.comand can be picked up at the Kickoff or Dropoff. Tickets cost $50 and there is no assigned seating. Come to Drop afterwards for the Wrap Party!###Wrap Party Date:Friday, November 6thTime:begins at 11pmPlace:Drop, Basement, On Lok Mansion, 39-43 Hollywood Road, CentralNotes:Drinks are 30% off until 1am. All teams are on the list!