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Submit your Film to the 25th Tokyo Int'l Film Festival!

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<![endif]TIFF is now accepting entries to the 25th TIFF Competition. Applications for submitting films are now being accepted on the official TIFF website (Deadline: July 13, 2012). For a summary of the regulations for the Competition 2012, please visit the TIFF website:

www.tiff-jp.net, or contact us by e-mail at competition2012@tiff-jp.net

TIFF looks forward to a larger number of submissions from around the world. [if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom false/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid false/w:IgnoreMixedContent false/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText EN-US/w:LidThemeOther X-NONE/w:LidThemeAsian X-NONE/w:LidThemeComplexScr&#105;pt /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /m:mathPr/w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 9]> /w:LatentStyles <![endif][if gte mso 10]>

<![endif]For further inquiries or information about the 25th TIFF, please contact Mr. Ryuta Hattori (International Communications, TIFF): [if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom false/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid false/w:IgnoreMixedContent false/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText EN-US/w:LidThemeOther X-NONE/w:LidThemeAsian X-NONE/w:LidThemeComplexScr&#105;pt /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /m:mathPr/w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 9]> /w:LatentStyles <![endif][if gte mso 10]>


E-mail: ryuta.hattori@tiff-jp.net; Tel: +81-3-3553-4793; Fax: +81-3-3553-4788; TIFF website: www.tiff-jp.net

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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