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The New Milk Magazine Featuring Gravis

Um...I remember back in 99 or 2000, I saw this amazing Gravis ad with Spencer Fujimoto in it, I was stoked and wondering what brand it was, Japanese or American? Skateboarding or not? I looked into their shoes and found out that they made interesting shoes...some were good, some weren't as good...  Fast forward to 2006 when a good friend of mine and a talented shoe designer (Mr Kelly Kikuta) told me that he was working along with Joe on Gravis and concentrating on improving the shoes and the brand image.  I couldn't wait to see the outcome.  They also started this skateboarding line called IV SK8 and had Arto Saari, Dylan Rieder, and Javier Menzibal.  I didn't care if there were any doubters, I was determined to back my friend and honestly, what could be more skateboarding than these riders? Joe even showed me their Fall 09 very very first sample from his iphone, dayeem sun, they are making good shoes...just be ready! Especially Dylan Rieder's signature model.Anyway the point I'm trying to make is... yes, Gravis is still around and stronger than ever.  They have the best team behind the company, good talented people working for them.  They have amazing skateboarders backing it, (Dylan Rieder is one of my favorites).  And to answer whether it's a Japanese or American brand? It's both, Gravis is a Japanese/US brand.  So, love it.  You'll be surprised with what shoes they are coming out with! I'm feelin them IV SK8 fo sho. On another note...after the longest hiatus, 8five2.com is finally up and running! 

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Hong Kong
May 16, 2008