Adrian Zaw - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Adrian Zaw
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
172,386 views| 60  Posts

About Adrian Zaw

Thank You for dropping by! And welcome to my page. Enjoy your stay! =)


“I want to change the face of Asian Americans represented in the main stream media. There's no doubt Asian males are desexualized, stereotyped, and categorized. Quite simply put, I don't want to just complain about it. I’M GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The biggest ripples are caused by the smallest drops, so lets spread the word, share the love, and have a cause. Because every view, every web page visit, every added friend counts as progress. Together, we’ll get closer to a place, a time, where old dreams become new truths..."

Adrian Zaw is the Asian TV Host with the most. Whether it's Film, Theatre , or Television this SAG Actor paves waves where others fear to tread.

He's been a correspondent for 7 Television Shows, earned over 35 Independent Film & Theatre Credits, and currently stars in an Emmy Award Winning Online Drama Series titled "Satacracy 88" on

Although he just turned 23, he believes that with hardwork, humility, and persistance the biggest ripples are caused by the smallest drops. & AIM SCREEN NAME: "MrAdrianZaw" Yahoo! Messenger: "AdrianZaw" MSN Messenger: "MrAdrianZaw"

Interesting facts about Adrian Zaw

Languages Spoken english
Location Los Angeles, United States
Gender male
English Name Adrian Zaw
Member Since August 28, 2007
Fans 62
Profile Views 172,386


Thank You for dropping by! And welcome to my page. Enjoy your stay! =) -Adrian

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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
August 28, 2007