went wedding reception for this hot asian girl ( man sounds perverted ) chriselle (www.Chriselle Factor.com) it was great, but what impressed me was her friend sarah and her husband and I just felt so warm with them. They made 2 babies so far and I was jealous of that baby because it will be raised with so much love. It will be great not to see very bad things as a kid because that will create a olympic runner. If bad things happen baby will be a stand up comic in other country and it must be tough. outlaw. living on the edge eating cup noodle (raw) and never experience love or kale salad, just live with afriend who is a eagle. Last few months, I’ve experienced amazing love from my church girls and I know thats why facebook and twitter exsist to brag how loved/ cool you are but I keep it to my heart.
I got to perform 3 times yesterday. so sat, sunday all together 5 times and if this is not god’s gift what else? he knows my heart and If I feel sad and not good enough he bring me a joy. my calling is to make others happy/ laugh. Right. Note to myself I’m not a bad person or crazy ( a bit but in the good way like smashing pie ( hello do you remember that) because it is explosive and nutritious )
I was just sold for a million dollar after my first set.
and the guy after me was sold as slave. ( insert hehehe here)