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The metamorphosis. Franz kafka, loose stool.

Lately, I’m having a moment. It is not always pleasant. Growing pain. I wish I was done with it. But since I’m 5′3 midget, I have more to go.(5′4 sometimes, depends on my mood, but ladies,my feet are size 7. ) Sometimes I want to run away to be a monk. But I must face the reality. cant be defeated by blanket. I’m way to sensitive to the world. I must stand alone. I want to inspire people. At this moment, I wanna  make you happy through my blog. After visiting my site, if you feel like doing something better for the world, my job is done. No, just do good for someone you care. or just take care of yourself. Anyways, I remember reading book by kafka, thinking, what if I wake up one day, I was a worm? That’s pretty cool because I’m going to ditch school. I dont need to come up excuse like”I’m sick.” I just tell teacher that I’m sorry I turn into a worm I have no feet to go. please expel me.” The end.  Loose stool is just my favorite phrase for this week. Also, butter squash. It sounds like such a fun vegitable. It’s butter and squash. All in one world. But I do not like the taste. I just live on pringles. and tarts. I’m in bad mood because I cant take shower now, so I’m gonna blog the hell out tonite. waaaaaa. 

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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I've had ideas like that as well. Where I might wake up and be someone or something completely different. Lots of philosophy classes will do that to you heh.
over 15 years ago



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