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Bush's push, Mark Penn's resignation, Clinton, Obama and the controversial trade agreement: One Colombian's perspective

As I'm typing I'm watching president Bush on the news, once again using fear to try force bad policy through congress. He just said that not helping Colombia, by passing the Trade Agreement, would do more damage to the American cause than all the South American dictators together. But the Trade Agreement would not help Colombia. President Uribe is a conservative whose policies are as damaging to the working classes of Colombia, as Bush's policies have been here in the US. As reported by the Wall Street Journal Barack Obama said he would oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement "because the violence against unions in Colombia would make a mockery of the very labor protections that we have insisted be included in these kinds of agreements.”

This is such an important issue that Mark Penn, Chief strategist for Clinton's campaign resigned yesterday when it came to light that he had been hired to lobby on behalf of Uribe's government and in favor of the trade deal, while Hillary herself maintained a strong public opposition to a deal, which like NAFTA, has been detrimental to US economy as well as fairness to workers everywhere. As the United States drifts into recession, the true extent of Bush's damage to the economy becomes more evident as do McCain's plans to benefit only the wealthiest of Americans.

Explaining his opposition to the deal Barack Obama has also said:

"I'm concerned frankly about the reports there of the involvement of the Colombian administration with human rights violations and the suppression of workers." He's said that he thought it important that before any agreement was made that "basic human rights are being observed". Last year Mr Obama was one of eleven Senators to sign a strongly worded letter to Colombian President Alvaro Uribe condemning him for his outspoken remarks against human rights defenders, trade unionists and others seen as opposed to the Colombian regime. According to the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo Mr Obama also mentioned his concerns about links between members of Uribe's government and right-wing paramilitary death squads. Al Gore cited the same reasons last year for refusing to share a platform with Colombian President Uribe.

It is not only the people of the United States that are hungry for change, just like democratic turnouts and fund raising have skyrocketed in the US, people in many battered South American countries are committed to achieving better conditions through non-violent, democratic means. Hopefully Obama's victory in the States will facilitate

a tilt from corporate welfare to a more even playing field and fairness for all throughout the continent.

This video accompanies a letter (available at http://www.usleap.org/node/512) to Senators Durbin and Obama regarding the pending free trade agreement (FTA) between the US and Colombia. The letter was signed by 30 Illinois organizations who oppose the trade agreement.

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