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Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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Catching up

Hey there,

After the holidays I've gotten back to work and started catching up with the emails. (I'll get there, I promise). Then I got a cold. Fortunately it's not freezing here in California, but still. Not too long ago it snowed in Malibu. Should've taken some pictures instead of bitching about the cold. It's been sunny most of the time but I just had to go and get sick. Just for kicks. So I've been spoiled and very well cared for but I missed the premiere for a friend's movie (Sorry P!), and a guild screening of a show whose writer I wanted to meet. Also, for whatever reason, musical inspiration never fails to strike when my throat aches the most, so I ended up writing a few things on the piano and the guitar that I'm dying to sing and write lyrics for when I'm better... but mustn't get too distracted. First comes finishing the screenplay I'm writing. I'm brewing a time-bending, mind-altering plot anchored on a moral core, which is a first for me. Rather jazzed about it. I'm half way there. Sadly, the writing I do for others takes most of my time. Then I've got to do a final pass on the first Waking Shadows and make it into a comic, then another screenplay idea that just popped up, a rough draft at least since I've neglected a producer's request for something in that genre for some time now, and finally I'll get to record some of the songs I've been writing here and there. Hopefully, twelve at least. I'll try to upload some of that stuff at some point. Life's great otherwise, but let's chat more tomorrow. Okay? Gotta jet.



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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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September 16, 2008