Official Artist
Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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Finally. Another strong ally joins our ranks in the race for the white house.

Hopefully this will help counter the, let's call it for what it is: the racist (anti)-vote. People who would vote for Hillary or Edwards in the General election because of these candidates' economic positions which are more middle-class and blue-collar friendly than McCain's, but would vote for McCain and not Obama despite the fact that Edwards and even Clinton emphatically claim that Barack is much closer in his approach to the economy than the Republican candidate. I'm not talking about the "hard working, white blue collar workers" which Clinton alludes to, but more clearly and specifically to people (white, blue-collar or otherwise) who in the scientific MSNBC poll admitted openly that race was an issue not to vote for Barack Obama. That's called racism and this irrationality could cause many to vote against their economic interests in November. It is this close-mindedness and bigotry which must be transcended for true progress to take place in this country. We can do better than that.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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September 16, 2008