Andres Useche
导演, 製片人, 编剧, 作曲家, 歌手
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Idle Mist XII : Music Out of Time

A few years before Idle Mist, I had written a couple of pieces of music that were played by several members of the Manizales Chamber Orchestra. Memo, the lead violinist/conductor, and Tracy, the Oboist, often collaborated in my musical enterprises. They put up with my first attempts at composing and scoring music and always seemed happy to lend a hand and play in my audio-visual events.

Memo, a good friend, also played in one of Vana Espuma's live onstage incarnations, and along with Tracy played the score for another live/still photography experiment I wrote called "El Silencio en Los Muros" (The Silence on the Walls).

I had every intention of collaborating with them on the Idle Mist short film soundtrack and wrote a theme for us all of us to record. Unfortunately, I soon got too caught up with the whole process of preproduction and production and couldn't schedule more than one very short recording session with each of them during one of the late nights after shooting. I could only arrange for Memo to play the violin over some tracks of guitar effects I recorded for the dream/comicbook realm... and Tracy only got to play the oboe on the main theme. I knew we wouldn't have any real post production time, so I ended up recording most of the music by myself on a keyboard and an electric guitar through the only couple of hours I had allotted my self for sleep during the the production of the short. I cast Borda, my friend and bass player, in a similar role in the movie so we recorded a couple of songs live in a bar, so that we could use them on the film. After shooting on those grueling three days, I remember going home to record and mix the music on my old four-track Tascam so that it could be ready in time for the couple of days I'd have on the editing suite. Later this almost improvised pieces would be also be reprised live. In the end I would have to leave the editing suite sooner than expected to make room for the student projects, so finishing a cut of the movie was and adventure in itself...

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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1


Los Angeles, United States
September 16, 2008