Official Artist
Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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MAKE HISTORY TODAY! Vote for change! Obama 08

I'm getting ready to phonebank all day today and hope you are getting ready to vote and volunteer. We've come a long way but it's not time to let up. Make history today, if you are in the USA and can vote, make your voice heard! Take a stand against a McCain and Palin, and the continuation of Bush policies they represent. Stand against illegal, pre-emtive wars and the unjust economic policies that benefit only the richest who don't need the help and destroy the middle class. Vote instead for affordable healthcare for everyone, for a tax CUT for 95 percent of working families, for college education for all, vote for change, vote for OBAMA 08 and bring about positive change to this world. Si, Se Puede!

Incidently I just got a message telling me that the latest version of my Si, Se Puede Cambiar video is on the front page of the www.dailykos.com today. Please visit and live your comments.

But most importantly own this election and stand on the right side of history.OBAMA 08!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 16, 2008