Andres Useche
导演, 製片人, 编剧, 作曲家, 歌手
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My pro-Obama Si se Puede song now online!

Friends and family, last night I recorded a demo for the Si Se Puede Cambiar song I wrote in support of the Obama campaign. Please give it a listen at www.virb.com/useche

I'll be updating it as we get to record and mix new elements, and put the video together... but the basis is there.

Please help us get this anti-war, anti-discrimination message out! Share it with as many people as possible. It's a free download found at www.virb.com/useche

I'm also creating a page on the dreaded myspace to try to spread it as much as possible. Look for Andres Useche in music. Shortly we´ll make the video available on www.youtube.com/unitedforobama and other places.

Familia latina, anoche grabe un demo para la cancion Si Se Puede que escribi para apoyar la campaña del candidato Barack Obama a la presidencia de Estados Unidos de Norte America. Por favor escuchenla en www.virb.com/useche

La actualizare cuando puede poner el resto de elementos pero ahi esta la base.

Por favor ayudanos a expresar este mensaje de paz y contra la discriminacion. Comparte el link con cuanta gente sea posible. Se puede bajar gratiz de la red en www.virb.com/useche

Dentro de poco subiremos el video a www.youtube.com/united for Obama.


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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1


Los Angeles, United States
September 16, 2008