Official Artist
Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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OBAMA VICTORY: a personal flashback celebration + new photos and interview links

We did it. An NEW DAY is dawning... but this is only the beginning. As Barack so eloquently put it " This is victory alone is not the change we seek, it is only the chance to make that change" and under his leadership we MUST seize this opportunity to make it a reality. With Obama, Si, Se Puede!

A look back:

Battleground Victory: Governor Tim Kane, members of our United For Obama group's rejoice as Obama wins Virginia and the White house on November 4th, 2008:

volunteers translated and subtitled Si, Se Puede Cambiar into German, and you can find that video here, Korean , Vietnamese , in French , in Chinese , a multilingualversion in eight languages:

A few updates:Brazilian magazine Veja , Obama articleInterview I gave to KCAL News / CBS about the Palin-Biden debate

Link to the video:


A lengthy Spanish TV NEWS INTERVIEW I gave on Obama and the song can be found at:


More press related to our efforts:

From the Austin Chronicle

The San Francisco Chronicle

The Dallas Morning News

We want you: Election rocks to a new Latin beatThe Honolulu Star BulletinHere is a NEW link for a extensive newspaper interview I gave about Obama and my song (in Spanish), which came out today on print and at http://www.lapatria.com/Noticias/ver_noticia.aspx?CODNOT=52844&CODSEC=31

A related post-election radio interview that I gave in Spanish as well:


A related article I wrote in English will come out in a print magazine in December, more details later. For now I leave you with some pictures, links and videos from my experiences trying to get Barack elected.

Thanks to all of you who voted, volunteered or otherwise supported soon-to-be President Obama!

Cellphone picture of Barack Obama's first appearance after being

elected for President of the United States on November 4:

Will.i.am put our video on his blog at www.dipdive.com/dip-approved/?p=15

Our subsequent Obama video is also up on his site: http://dipdive.com/member/Andres-Useche/tv/

Phonebanking right up to election day: Nov 4, 2008

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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 16, 2008