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Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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VIDEO: President Obama's re-election victory speech + our historic progressive wins in congress

It's is very upsetting that anti-immigrant Sheriff Joe Arpaio was re-elected in Arizona! On the other hand the DREAM Act was passed at the state level in Maryland! Elizabeth Warren won. Tammy Duckworth also beat back a tea-partier! McCaski ll shut down misogynist Akin! Donnelly beats Richard Murdock! Women made historic gains on their way to greater representation in the senate, Allen West was defeated! Marriage equality had 4 state wins! For the first time in history, marriage equality was affirmed at the ballot box, and best of all, a candidate who supports DREAMers and immigration reform, the middle class, women's rights and marriage equality was RE-ELECTED as President of the United States of America! This is only the beginning! We are moving FORWARD!!!

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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