Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas and yours truly. He first came to know me from my pro-Obama video Si, Se Puede Cambiar, which he put on his website DipDive long before he met me. This is the link
He also put me on the hope.act.change poster and their website...
Will, a multiple Grammy award-winner, is the creator of the Wonderful YES WE CAN Obama video and a great, down to earth guy with a heart in the right place. In the photo up top we were throwing up peace signs but, alas, we were framed too closely.
We connected because we see eye to eye on the crisis this country is going through and agree on the way we can all help to move it forward. Obama 08 is an impotant part of that.
Here is his video Yes We Can and mine Si Se Puede Cambiar below
Yes We Can by Will.I.Am
Si Se Puede Cambiar by Andres Useche
and as an extra, here's Will.I.Am's and the Black Eyed Peas' "Where is the Love?" which he put out after we begun unjust and deceitful war.
We're doing all we can to make sure that we're all focused on the critical issues, the war and the economy and not he pity attacks the Republicans are using to try to distract the population. Time to think more about our economy and less about lipstick.
Si Se Puede!
I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1