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Anya Wu
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Richard Mille

Attended a private dinner for Richard Mille Watches....Jackie Chan was amongst the guests but he had to leave early to catch a flight due to the snow...I had a great time chatting with Richard Mille about the watches and racing...damn the watches are nice....what I like about them is that most of their pieces are unisex...they also have nice detail to them and are very light and fit for racers...I've got my eye on collecting at least one..   Dinner was amazing as well...the chef was flown in from Singapore...his name is Edward Voon from the restaurant Aurum..yummy food..anyways, attached are some pics of Richard Mille & Me and the watches...

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sounds like a good night out. I hope you can snag a free watch or two! :-P
about 17 years ago


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June 14, 2007