Official Artist
Asia Eng
Illustrator , Painter
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workspace and such

my studio shot - its naturally very dark in here - but its okay, my dad installed an extra light that feels like the power of the sun in my living room. haha yay!

my workstation - in retrospect i have no idea how i work in here, my computer dominates my space as it dominates my life (im constantly on the computer, when i sleep, nap, eat, work, and play.. like a best friend that doesnt talk back haha) at the moment i have been juggling some freelance with tiltworks, creating graphics for disney apparel. i have also done some work for mark allen, and i am setting up to do more graphic work for another design company. when i take breaks, i paint. i am currently trying to set up art for artwalk, and this time i think i wont tone down my work, or at least not as much.

teaching people art instruction has given me the the chance to be a stronger person - i am thankful that i am able to have this experience in helping others.

my homie, ryan feng, introduced me to this movie - it was really eerie because it was like watching another version of me rise and fall. so awkward. i think thats the reason why feng introduced me to that movie to begin with, because when he first met me he identified me with this character. sigh ..

so thats pretty much my life, no big… and same ol grind

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 40915
i liked that film
almost 15 years ago


female + gemini + hippie artist = 3 types of crazy = you lose. like an asian version of frida kahlo minus the old balls cheating husband .

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
May 5, 2008