Official Artist
Asia Eng
Illustrator , Painter
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[ you were to think .]

you were to think someone who has been fighting an abusive past, who has had an unfaithful father and a currently adulterous lover would hate men, or wonder why men cheat or do bad things. i was never one of those. i simply say, people cheat. people fuck up and do fucked up things, but there's always a reason, it may not be good or a decent excuse, and some people dont know how to grow into their own skin or are scared, or, well, pathetic, nonetheless...all i know is that i can only move forward and grow and just be.... fighting the temptation over powering the other sex....i just want to be treated decently.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 40915
insist that you be treated well - and you will. people who don't respect you are just a waste of time
over 15 years ago
Photo 37580
word. I just want to treat people well.
over 15 years ago


female + gemini + hippie artist = 3 types of crazy = you lose. like an asian version of frida kahlo minus the old balls cheating husband .

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
May 5, 2008