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3 FRESH Dudes, 1 FRESH Asia

CB Fresh have been developing a new television sketch comedy show that's one part Asia-centric, two parts Insanity and three parts KICK ASS!

So you put that all together and it's 100 Percent Certified FRESH!

Our specialty? Shooting original content Guerilla-Style. Here we are taking over a section of Mong Kok and shooting our Fashion Report

We had a ball hopping around to different locations. For Rob, it was more like prancing around...

We try to keep our costs as low as possible while retaining the highest quality production possible. So who needs a production van when we can go MTR , Baby!!

A lot of people have been asking us for advice in surviving the Asia entertainment industry.

First and foremost, Do It.

Don't talk about taking new promo photos, calling that new agent or writing that new scrīpt.

Do it. Sit down, do what you need to do to get the content, then DO IT

That was key for CB Fresh. We are fortunate enough to have a motley crew of talent that are pro active about getting sh*t done.

We had an idea, put it on paper, and shot the damn thing.

So be hungry and just do it!

As for us? It won't be smooth sailing but we have a FRESH outlook!

Check out our teaser. The show will be shot in Canto, Mandarin and English.


And for you FRESH Fans out in China or Youtube-less:

A FRESH attempt at Insanity! from CB Fresh on Vimeo.

It has been a rewarding and FRESH process and we can't wait for you to see the finished product at a flat screen near you!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
My computer monitor just cracked. WTF!
15 年多 ago
Scottie, it's possible it cracked because of the BAD BAD things you watch on it....is all I'm sayin..
15 年多 ago
Photo 62424
15 年多 ago
Photo 82035
WOW... this was when it all started...!! :)
15 年多 ago
Photo 82035
I'm So Proud of you guys!!!
15 年多 ago


Rob, Simon, Vince, Derrick, Chung Fan Us Friend Us Share Us Love Us A Western Perspective with Eastern Eyes Are you Fresh? www.cbfresh.com


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 21, 2008