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AnD + LKF Beer Fest Band Search! | AnD+蘭桂坊啤酒節樂隊大搜索!

轉載自Info From : Admin Bear

      AliveNotDead  & Big Events and the LKF Association at the California Bar and Restaurant to find bands to play at May's Lan Kwai Fong Beer Fest 2008!


與Big Events合作在California酒吧&餐廳舉辦樂隊大搜索活動的日子,這個活動是為了尋找在2008蘭桂坊啤酒節演出的新樂隊!

A great turn out from local bands and alivenotdead.com artists!  8 Bands did one song auditions before a panel of Hong Kong's rock family- Paul WongRyan Hui and Don and Adrianof Audiotraffic

許多本地樂隊和alivenotdead.com藝術家參加了活動! 8支樂隊在香港搖滾家族-黃貫中許懷欣AudiotrafficDonAdrian組成的評委組面前各演唱了一首歌。

The bands that came to try out were: FBI, Wonder Garl, Supper Moment, Madhouse, 遊樂園, Crazimals, Killersoapand Eccentric.  Here's some photos of the performances:

表演的樂隊分別是: FBI、Wonder Garl、 Supper MomentMadhouse、 遊樂園、 CrazimalsKillersoap Eccentric。 演出照片:




     We had a great fun at the time and was exciting to played in front of all those famous artist. Sorry about the delay of our appearence as we all had to drop down our work to join this event. Anyway, it was a great chance for all those local Band like us !!! Show the support for the Bands & the Beer on 24th & 25th May,2008 at Lan Kwai Fong Beer Fest !!!


P.S: Again, thanks again for the help , GOuld !!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Crazimalz music style combine Hard Rock/Nu metal which express themselves in Mandarin. Members are Vocal: K.Lo Guitars: D'in & cRose Bass: Mann

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
September 25, 2007