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D.Y. Sao
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All jokes aside

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 All jokes aside.

I call this my AnD family and I treat it as such. Although showbiz is a business, this is a part of me that must remain.


This post is about an unfortunate incident that happened to my family today. Four burglars entered my parents house and stole all the family heirlooms along with important things tied to my sisters wedding that is scheduled to occur in 2 weeks.  Many things held sentimental value including necklaces my grandmother left for us before she died, my father’s Buddha charm made-from-elephant tusk necklace given by his mother before her loss of speech, and my sister’s wedding money and wedding rings; adding to a sum of $25K.


If my mom entered the house 10-15 minutes earlier than she did, she might have been in grave danger. I’m thankful that no one was hurt. That is everything. Thank you, God.


Our struggle remains as we seek to find the means to replace everything needed for Dary’s wedding in two weeks. Once again, this mission will put our hearts to the test.


This internment camp baby will not rest until his little sister gets the wedding she deserves. Dary is one of those people in this world that can show you all the goodness of life within 3 sentences. She is the wind that makes you want to fly. Without her, I would be nothing. Her happiness means more than any career success in this world. (Well, I can always fall back on being the best film-fighting homeless that ever lived.)


Right now, it’s not just about a wedding; this is about integrity, perseverance and the relentless will of a family; this is war... NOT a war against those that wronged us, NOT a war against financial disposition… but a war against ourselves, our own frustration, our own pride, our own weaknesses; for it will test the strength of our unity, our passion, and our love.


What I DO know is it’s gonna take more than a bullet in the heart to hold me back. (But if you have 2 bullets and good aim, then please don’t shoot or don’t aim, one or the other.)


I do not wish for pity or anything, just to share my journey in hopes that you will share yours. For after everything is said and done in this world, all we really have is the people shared in this journey (through thick and thin, thick food and thin food, thick accents and thin accents (Now you know for sure that I’m talking about AnD people hehe)).

over 15 years ago 0 likes  34 comments  0 shares
yeah man, thank the gods no one in the family was there when it happened. take care of the important things first...then in 2 week's time, find the perps and break their skinny legs! i mean really...
over 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I am so sorry to hear that this happened. Some things, obviously, can never be replaced, the things with the special memories tied to them. At least you have the comfort of knowing that, though they could steal material objects, no one can steal your memories! When I got married, I was a poor graduate student and my husband was a starving carpenter. We didn't have money for a wedding, and we got married anyway. We called on our friends and family to help out. All of the musicians at the church were friends of ours and performed for free, as a wedding gift to us. The photographer was a friend of one of my bridesmaids and all we had to contribute was the film for the camera (remember those days when cameras still had film?). For the wedding reception, we held it in the lovely backyard of my in-laws and asked everyone who attended to bring something to share--it was a pot luck reception. There was tons of delicious home-cooked food. One of the wedding guests was a violin player and he had brought his instrument and just started playing fiddle tunes and was the entertainment. Everyone, in fact, spoke of that wedding and wedding reception for years as the best, most genuine, most fun wedding they had ever attended--and we made it all up practically on the spot! Now, after 21 years, I wouldn't trade that do-it-yourself wedding that our friends helped us throw for any expensive church wedding. The important thing about a wedding isn't how much you spend on the catering or the bride's dress (as nice as those can be), but on the love the bride and groom have for one another and the love family and friends can show them, now in a very real and concrete way. Your sister will have a wedding filled with more love, and maybe just as much material abundance as before. Keep focused on the love and the wedding will be memorable, one that your family and friends will talk about fondly for years to come.
over 15 years ago
sorry to hear that! Same shit happened to my mom a few years back. She actually walked in on the jack asses! They shoved her out of the way and jumped into a waiting car... Thankfully she was just shaken up.. Persevere!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 93921
Very sorry to hear all this your family has been through. My brother's house was broken into recently. Nothing of extreme value was taken but the ordeal itself just filled me with rage... But your incident does break my heart, with such privacy being intruded upon &amp; such sentimental belongs taken..... :( I'm sure you will all pull through as a family, and may Dary enjoy the wedding &amp; happiness she deserves.
over 15 years ago
Dsc 1374
hope your family's fine. thank god they were 15 min late! Cops! catch them!
over 15 years ago
Photo 282807
DANG BRO...well you know me bro...my heart is going out to you and all your family!!Hopefully everyone is ok...I know god will bless you and yours for what happened...just keep strong as always and if yah need help with anything you know where Im at...CHANGE THE TREE BRO CHANGE THE FAMILY TREE..:D
over 15 years ago
Photo 37580
Sorry to hear about that, losing valuables like that is the worst. At first I was thinking how lucky I was to never have had anything stolen, then I remembered I've been jacked a lot of times, just that it was never anything of real value. Sorry for your family, at least I know you guys are strong together and you'll be able to put on a great wedding for Dary still.
over 15 years ago
Photo 50938
D. Y., my thoughts go out to you and your family. I'm glad everyone is safe and from across the globe, I'm cheering you all on. I hope and wish your sister shall have the wedding of her dreams and that, through some strange twist of fate, the dearest of what was lost shall find it's way back to you. [Thoughts set fortune's winds in motion. It is our will, it shall be so.]
over 15 years ago
Photo 34128
That is the worst kind of news. Savvy's brother in law was killed during a botched robbery. I'm glad your mom was no where near when it took place. On a brighter note, where can one send a wedding gift for your sister/family? You don't have my pity, but you do have my love. Now stop crying and give me a hug you big softy.
over 15 years ago


&quot;One day I will die SO today I will eat.&quot; –D.Y.

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