D.Y. Sao
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no pics, someone borrowed my digicam for like 2 months now. i miss it!

hm... what to talk about?

here's something, in an interview question, i was asked " what are your five favorite films of all time?"

It was very hard for me to answer this. in fact, i couldn't because I like so many.

SO, let's open discussion to HELP ME by sharing "WHAT YOUR FIVE FAVE FILMS ARE?"

(I have a feeling this will increase my TO WATCH list)

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  39 评论s  0 shares
Photo 31454
cool i have to see some of those. Busa: SHawshank redemption was so good. what is SFW about? haha Jaine: i forgot about the princess bride, that might have to be on my list. Hm... Crow zero? is that american? Kell: I still gotta see legend of 1900. Mary: the hannibal series was all so good. Dav: damn die hard WAS good. ... so was the Negociator... how do i choose when there's so many? i enjoyed the lethal weapon series too. well i have these on my list for sure -Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom -Iron Monkey -Fong Sai Yuk -Rocky debating, i really enjoyed Rush hour 2. gattaca was tite.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 50938
1 - Hero: best movie I've ever seen on all accounts. 2 - The Crow: Awesome cinematography and I like the story. 3 - Musa: A spear fighter and mindblowing visuals, what more can a girl want... :p 4 - Usual Suspects: magnificent built up, original story line and very impressive acting. 5 - The Fifth Element: this might be a guilty pleasure taking the above into account, but it's a great story, great acting, great humour and just about the only film I can watch over and over... and over without getting the least bit bored.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 37580
I can't decide and peoples answers just made me even more confused. (US Only movies) Superman Dark Knight Usual Suspects Don Juan De Marco Shawshank Redemption Rocky Young Guns Back To the Future series Excalibur Lethal Weapons etc etc...I have no favorites there are too many good movies.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 31454
Dreamy: yeah best friend's wedding was pretty awesome. ely: haha yeah oscar was hilarious! and i agree with indepedence day too. vanness: wow. kid with the golden arms? thats really old hehe. u like the old school. roots? is that old or new? musicnote: omg. you reminded me of another film i loved. LORD OF THE FLIES. but yeah finding nemo was so funny but so was bug's life, toy story 2 and ants. marie: yeah i liked those too. janechu: infernal affairs is just one of those movies that you never forget. i dont know why but the italian job reminds me of the film SNATCH which was awesome. gremlins? hahaha jay: so i watch J depp in secret window. i enjoyed it but i had predicted the ending halfway through the movie, even though i'm not the type that LIKES to predict endings. still good film. dude men shouldn't take cold showers. just: dude, ur list is just a summary of every list. hahah j/k oh yeah the old superman series was so good.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 31454
J: hm... cold shower films... that's a great topic LOL busa: oooh i found it online. gotta watch hehe thanks
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 37580
Yeah pretty much, I should put Conan in there and it'll get the Fantasy Barbarian films from the 80's in there too. And Terminator for the Future Robot type movies heh. For JRS - Dunno what you talkin about Don Juan makes me need a cold shower after every watch through hehe.
接近 15 年 ago


"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.


Los Angeles, United States
June 5, 2007