Elizabeth Lazan
演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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Do You Have The Time to Sit Down and Write a Rhyme?

8 Days magazine interview

A new show I'm acting in, WHAT THE BUTLER SAW by Joe Orten, starring Gerald Chew, Vernetta Lopez, Shane Marjudki, Timothy Nga, Vadi PVSS and myself!

This shoot commenced the new year. They came to my home, I strummed a few tunes on my guitar (slightly out of tune i found out), got them singing (well almost) along to some tunes and then got down to the interview. Admist the jumble of questions, they asked something interesting that stood out for me....

"If you could be a fly in anybody's bedroom, who would it be?"

I could think of many, many people. But ultimately, I narrowed the answer to Tim Burton. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm a fan of the eccentric filmaker. Got me hooked on his visuals at the tender age of 10, all starting from Edward Scissorshands....

A new year, another month goes by. Hope everyone is starting on a kind of positive, inspiring high. With that, I'm hoping to take more time to get some writing done this year, fill my papers and set adrift my memory to pen them down in words.... it's exciting and scary thinking what 2009 will roll by like!

Catch you all soon!

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Currently based in New York City. The Chef《煮持人》- Selected for the Shanghai Film Festival'10. Film nominated at the 2010 Asian Television Awards for Best Sing


english, mandarin, itallian
New York City, United States
July 9, 2008