Official Artist
Eric TU
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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樂之路電影預告 Road Less Traveled Official Trailer! 12/2/2011 IT IS FINALLY OUT...... movie will be out in Taiwan 12/2/2011.  The PREMIERE will be 12/1/2011.  Please Support!!

WE ARE ALL VERY EXCITED because it really was a LONG and HARD road trying to get this movie out.  Painful and Joyful. 

It stars, Van Ness Wu, Jimmy Hung, Eric Tu, Dean Fujioka, Chris lung, 张弦子 and of course Sammo Hung. 

Please Support!!! | 樂之路電影預告 Road Less Traveled Official Trailer! 12/2/2011 IT IS FINALLY OUT...... movie will be out in Taiwan 12/2/2011.  The PREMIERE will be 12/1/2011.  Please Support!!

WE ARE ALL VERY EXCITED because it really was a LONG and HARD road trying to get this movie out.  Painful and Joyful. 

It stars, Van Ness Wu, Jimmy Hung, Eric Tu, Dean Fujioka, Chris lung, 张弦子 and of course Sammo Hung. 

Please Support!!!| 樂之路電影預告 Road Less Traveled Official Trailer! 12/2/2011 IT IS FINALLY OUT...... movie will be out in Taiwan 12/2/2011.  The PREMIERE will be 12/1/2011.  Please Support!!

WE ARE ALL VERY EXCITED because it really was a LONG and HARD road trying to get this movie out.  Painful and Joyful. 

It stars, Van Ness Wu, Jimmy Hung, Eric Tu, Dean Fujioka, Chris lung, 张弦子 and of course Sammo Hung. 

Please Support!!!| 遂に公開へ!映画は、台湾では、2011年12月2日公開です。ご支援宜しくお願いします! 僕たちは、すごくエキサイトしてるんだ。なぜなら、この映画の完成にこぎつけるまで本当に長くて、ハードな日々だったから。痛々しくも嬉しくもある!

Video: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/zJ6FP8G_JCY/



almost 13 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Erictu 97 erictu
it will show in Japan and we will be in Japan for promotions. i will show in HK, China, all Inflights and also Malaysia and Singapore as well!!! as for the promo... we are working on it!!!
almost 13 years ago
Photo 101895
Looks great! I look forward to it. :)
almost 13 years ago
Erictu 97 erictu
by the way we have a FB page for the movie. http://www.facebook.com/RLTtheSMASHband#!/RLTtheSMASHband
almost 13 years ago
Erictu 97 erictu
and official movie site is www.rltthemovie.com
almost 13 years ago
Erictu 97 erictu
and this http://rltsmash.pixnet.net
almost 13 years ago


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english, mandarin
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Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
June 26, 2008