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AFA (and Rugby...)

No fancy blog tonight about Guilin, its almost 2am and i need to get to bed soon.  my mom is getting up in 4 hours for her 9:30 flight back to the US.

We unexpectedly had a chance to go to the 2nd Asian Film Awards held tonight here in HK.  Its only my second awards show (after participating in the HK Film Awards last year).  Swang and I were the only AnD staff able to go, but a lot of familiar faces were there.  I took a ton of pics for the site... please stay tuned for those...

the awards show was interesting,  its only the 2nd year for these awards, so I think they're still tuning things and trying new stuff. 

Anyway,  unfortunately Jet didn't take Best Actor for 'Warlords',  but it went to a worthy colleague,  Tony Leung for 'Lust, Caution'...  which was not completely unexpected.  Also not too surprisingly, Korea's 'Secret Sunshine' did really well, winning a lot of the top awards.

The nominees with the winners highlighted are here on their official site:


In the meanwhile,  i saw this on the way to the office today... its one of the HK Tram system's fancy party trams. People normally hire these things out for parties and stuff... something I'd like to try someday...

but in this case it was full of rugby balls... next week is the big annual rugby tournament, the 'Sevens'... many a drunken Australian and New Zealander will come to HK...  i was trying to figure out if i could  guess the number... i guess i could count the number in the picture and try to estimate them...  btw, its not full to the brim, just a layer of one or two deep on the windows, there's some space in the center,  i checked...


16 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no, i dont think so...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
renren: maybe not, but i have some friend in town that weekend, maybe they'll want to go. :-P
16 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007