ok, more from the anniversary party -- let me try to get through as many of these as possible! i took way too many good pics that night! ;-)
my friends あさみちゃんandよしみちゃんcame out from Macau for the event:
they had such a good time at Audiotraffic's party in March, i knew they wouldn't miss this one.
Pat Lee did some Transformers:
one of the benefits of working for AnD is getting the chance to meet and talk to a lot of cool artists... some of whom happen to be attractive female models, actresses, singers, etc. for some reason people keep offering to take photos of me with them when we happen to be talking too... doh. ;-)
case in point:
Becky Lee. wow, what a smile! great to finally meet her in person.
Gloria! she and I have met several times. we discussed the Red Bull Dance Battles, which were held the week before (i still need to blog about those....).
you know what i wish i could turn into right about now/?
Michael Wong's right hand... (thats
Ankie, btw)
got more than one with another well known actress-
yes, Miss Cherie Ying! i think this may have been her first official alivenotdead.com event too. on the right you can see her modeling our 'Hello My Name Is' sticker.... (although technically its not the right URL...)
ok, not a hot girl:
Duc'Free Drinks on the House!' Luu.
I also took a lot of group pics w/ my homies - too many people to name, just mouse over to view the tags. :-P
Josie came down too -
the guy on the right is NOT Jun, btw...
Mr. Dance Machine himself,
Tony Ho!
By 12 the party was in full swing and the DJs were going in the front and back room.
i took some video of
24herbs' show... which was totally off the hook, but you'll have to wait for a future blog for that. :-P
Gold Mountain performing later on in the night... all the performances were great. unfortunately most of my stills of the guys in the DJ booth look like crap... sorry guys!
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