no time for a fancy blog today, i'll just share this humorous video sent to me by my father, who predates television itself, but has decided not to be left behind by the digital video age...
in truly the way it was meant to be used.... he has figured out how to use youtube to send humorous videos to relatives:
Video: the entertaining part of the video isn't just watching one guy beat up three guys who are trying to gang up on him, but its also fun to try and count how many times they replay the various parts of it... full speed... slow mo... slow mo with arrow... slow mo + zoom.... all Survivor's 'Eye of the Tiger' and a very excited announcer.....
(i counted 17 replays!) ps - i am not surprised at all to here this - my dad actually answered my suspicions w/ his follow-up email: this guy is actually an Armenian boxer... i have heard competing versions of why they were trying to fight him, probably a traffic dispute of some sort...
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