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Easy Biking -- updated: now with Words!

Group Biking Trip - Super Easy Version - 

desmond + marco


Safety conscious Grace....  actually the helmet is really useful on this path, not because the path is dangerous, but the risk of someone who has no idea how to ride a bike crashing into you is high...  

(seriously, we saw at least 3 spills happen right in front of us while biking this day).

Stop for a photo op

Thar she blows,  Ma On Shan...

notice that strange looking fisherman coming up on the right?  he was quite strange...

or i should say, his hair style was very strange...

here's a close-up...  my first thought was 'wow,  the Incredible Hulk hair style is making a come-back!'

But actually it appears that this spot along the Tolo harbor is a nexus for strange, out of date hairstyles...

lamb chops baby!


actually everyone was able to handle the trip no problem,  we ended up riding all the way to Tai Wai (total of 13 km!)....

actually i was probably the one suffering the most,  because I rode from Ma On Shan (where I left my bike last time) to meet everyone at Taipo... so I probably did ~25km total. :-P

satisfied at the end of a long ride. 

I think everyone had a good time.  There were some requests to try a harder path next time.   Hopefully we'll be able to go on Sunday this weekend...

15 年多 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares
Photo 96013
oh~looks fun^^I wanna go with you too:D
15 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
circa 1980
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
grace - yes, let's go! but you may regret this decision after a few km! ;-)
15 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007