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Incredible Hulk (the 2nd version) インクレディブル・ハルク


FRESH: 7/10  7/10


The Incredible Hulk (2008)



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I was somewhat skeptical when I heard they were going to redo this one. Ang Lee's version was too talky, too weird and too off-canon for most people... basically the major problem was not enough action i think...

To remedy that, this one seems to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and aims for what most of us [former] comic book junkie adults want: a popcorn movie with lots of hulking out, lots of jumping around and hulk smashing, etc. In this respect the movie is quite successful, especially because we went in with muted expectations, I think we all pretty enjoyed it on that level.

They went a little further and threw in a lot of references to the comic book and the old Bill Bixby TV show to keep us further entertained...

Note to all future scientists - experimenting on yourself is generally frowned upon...

Of course that means you're not getting much deep character development or Oscar award winning acting, but that's OK, sometimes you just want a simple plot... the performances are pretty solid, although I thought Tim Roth and his CG'ed six pack were a little creepy.

I actually never really read the Hulk's own comic title that much, but I did watch the show quite a lot - so I'll give it a 7/10 for what it is - a 'popcorn movie' based on a comic... I think its safe to say how much you enjoy this movie will be directly tied into how much you know about the Hulk comic and/or the TV show....

ps - in our theater in HK they apparently moved the 'after the credits' bonus scene to before the credits, it was a bit weird... I think someone finally realized that no one in HK wants to stay for the credits? but if you don't see the 'Reload!' scene by the time the credits start, stay for the end!

The recipe for making the Incredible Hulk:

"Ingredients: Sugar, Water, Purple"

16 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
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To me the movie didn't really follow the comics at all heh. Other than Abomination and his love with Betty. But I'd say 85% of the movie was just a movie sequel to the old TV show that was waaay different than the comics. I'd also give the movie about a 7/10. Actually the reload scene was before the credits for the two times I saw it as well in the US. It's awkward almost like they wanted to end the movie and then thought later wait lets do this too... --------SPOILER ALERT-------- I think they just threw it before the credits because of the scene in Iron Man and the similarities between the two. So making people stay for an ending that matches relatively closely to the movie that came out just 3-4 weeks earlier might have upset some people.
16 年多 ago
We're definitely pimpin' Dave Chappelle to the max. >=P
16 年多 ago
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andy: just don't expect Iron Man, and you should enjoy it...
16 年多 ago
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blee: apparently, although it definitely felt like it was intended to go at the end of the credits (the yoga practicing scene should have been the last scene before the credits i'm guessing)
16 年多 ago
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bryan: yes, we recognized him.
16 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007