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Jumper = only 15%?!?


FRESH: 6/10  6/10


Jumper (2008) I went to watch 'Jumper' tonight at IFC after work... 

I saw the trailer when I went to watch 'L' last week and it piqued my interest...   I didn't read any reviews or look at the tomatometer before I saw it... I wasn't expecting anything more than what you get from the trailer... a 'Heroes' like sci-fi story about a guy who learns he can teleport around like Nightcrawler from the X-men....   and thats pretty much what you get!  Not Shakespeare,  not groundbreaking cinema, but entertaining enough...

Its got Samuel L Jackson too! can't do much better than that!  I didn't even notice from the trailer that the lead was Hayden Christiansen... looks like he's got a good chance to beat that Mark Hamill Curse!  ;-)

So I was a bit surprised to see that the movie scored a pretty abysmal 15% on the Tomatometer...    Some of the review excerpts are pretty brutal too... ' is so bad that it might be useful in film classes to show students what not to do' and 'So freakin' awful.' It wasn't that bad!  YES the characters are a bit one dimensional, YES they don't really give you that much (any) background on the bad guys, YES i didn't really buy the love story stuff,  YES the ending is just a giant non-ending (set up for a sequel),  but that doesn't mean it was a horrible movie...  I enjoyed the action scenes, some pretty impressive special effects and of course an interesting Sci-Fi premise, the plot wasn't very predictable at all...  worth watching if you're a fan of the genre.  I'll give it a 6/10. 

ps - the new layout of RT's pages sucks.. change it back!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah, i think its one of those movies that everyone things is so-so, but not that many think is actually good...
over 16 years ago
Photo 41044
Ahaha I went to watch Jumper on friday. You know, it quite literally made me say: I wish my boyfriend could do that...
over 16 years ago
38935462 1233427286799200 7641701711072985088 n
Not bad film~~and interesting idea~~ But there seems havent told so much!! I wish t better have the second part!
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
midori: yeah, i think thats a big complaint, they didn't tell a whole movie's worth of story! only part!
over 16 years ago
Photo 23632
unfortunately i thought the movie was really pretty awful! i am a fan of this sci-fi genre but the characters annoyed me so much i couldn't get into the movie at all. ah well. am trying to see no country and there will be blood this weekend. any interest? oh, and running through the tunnel wasn't too claustro. it was running up the stupid ramps from the tunnel that killed me!
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think the whole point was he was supposed to be an un-heroic type... inherently selfish and uncaring... which makes you wonder who is the good guy and who is the bad guy...
over 16 years ago


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