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LMF in Macau - April 24th, 2010

Another one from the 'better late than never' file! 

On April 24th I went over to Macau for the LMF Wild Lazy Tour show at the Venetian.  Even though I went to both nights in HK in January (did you see my videos from that show?  they have like 40k and 8k views already!)

Anyway,  of course I had a great time at this show,  and took some pics (and not a small amount of video). Here's a few:

I took a lotof video,  but as its hard to out do the '揸緊中指 - Liberty'and ' 愛是' vids from January,  the only one I think worth posting is their performance of '' (Hum Ga Ling).   This was at the end of the show,  you can see how crazy and pumped up the audience is, especially when the MCs come down to the barrier:

 Of course a Phat has to take the opportunity to crowd surf (a no-no in Macau!)

After the show:

I never got a poster! :-(

But I got my pic with A-wah!   (he needs a profile on AnD!)

They did a giant group pic of the band + friends/supporters.  It was me and a few other people trying to juggle 5 cameras each to make sure everyone got a copy. :-P

(Tommy just really wants to drink his coke though...)

As a special bonus, I got to meet one of my favorite HK-based super high energy Japanese TV personalities,  Rie from 'JP Time TV'!

Turns out her producer is a big LMF fan!   She is really nice!  You can watch her show on ATV on Sunday evenings and Thursday nights,  check out the website here:   http://www.jptime.tv/

14 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
jack - actually i'm told he doesn't even use email, much less blogging... someone needs to get Wah into the 21st century!
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i never drink on camera, it may ruin my chances for a future political career.
14 年多 ago
14 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007