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Mio's 5th trip! :-P

My good friend Mio came back to HK for like the 4th time since November.  This time she brought the family...  

Somehow I volunteered to help her find a good restaurant for them to see Hong Kong's famous Symphony of Lights light show (a fancy laser and light show that is simultaneously coordinated between the roof of dozens of Hong Kong's tallest buildings.

I got a reservation at the swanky 'Hu Tong' restaurant at One Peking Road.  The restaurant is on the 28th floor and is right near Victoria Harbour...

The decor is a fusion of modern and traditional chinese...

but someone forgot to tell mother nature the plan:

it was overcast at ground level, which meant the 28th floor was in the middle of a cloud...  which meant you couldn't see ANY of the symphony of lights except for a big glare from the light on the top of this very building.

And the food was northern Chinese.  We tried the crispy fried duck:

Somehow they managed to cleave the thing in half perfectly, even the beak! thats some skill w/ the butcher knife!

i thought the bathrooms were interesting, for some reason the women's room had a fancy door:

they had fancy retro wash basins too.  the water actually came down from the shelf above w/ a sensor... 

the next night we ended up at a local restaurant w/ T, Mark and Pat.  While we were waiting for a table, Taiga and Pat were picking out a fish:

T ordered some pretty good stuff,   this one was a stuffed chicken (or was it a duck?) that was broiled til it was super soft... 

I noticed a group of young women at a nearby table staring and pointing at T.  When he was coming back from the washroom they stopped him:

it turns out it was some sort of bachelorette party... they asked Terence to take a photo w/ the bride-to-be... he couldn't say no.  :-P

good times! :-D

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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007