hey, what the hell, its been 6 hours since it went public and zero comments! :-(
it took so much work to get all these videos together!
alivenotdead.com artists anniversary video! |alivenotdead.com一周年慶祝 Unfortunately we couldn't get everyone - but it was awesome to get Daniel, Kelly, James Kyson Lee (Ando!), Van Ness, Andrew, Terence, Conroy, Lisa, Josie, 24 Herbs, Mavis, 2R, and literally dozens and dozens of artists from around the world to contribute.
Please take a look and leave some comments!
ALSO if you can do me a favor, please also click on the videos on youtube and RATE and 'FAVORITE' both of them -- this will help more people find them via youtube! -
ok, time for bed! Don't worry Jezzjunk, the user one will come soon!
I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!