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MTR Parkour

Some of the random stuff i end up capturing on my camera on occasion...  this was from a few weeks back (still behind on my blogging!)


After we watched 'Forbidden Kingdom', a few of us went to Kowloon by MTR:

While we were there,  i caught some of the amazing physical art, known as Parkour.... あそこで珍しパルクール出演を見た。。。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbzkb5_CWvA believe it or not jason has done even more amazing feats on film... 実は彼の初め時じゃない。 もとすごいした事が有る。。。

but just like that time, he is willing to sacrifice his body for his art -

all part of a normal day for a Parkour


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ac100: we watched it at cwb. if i had known i would have called you. :-P
almost 17 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
That left the biggest scar.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
makes you look tough... or... use that pain as acting inspiration!
over 16 years ago


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