hey guys! i ran back to the office to give a quick update for all you guys overseas! We tried to do some live webcasting from the event, but there wasn't enough bandwidth!
it turned out REALLY well, despite some precipitation from above! I took an awesome video of the entire thing, but you'll have to wait for that, in the meanwhile, here's a few pics!
Getting set up, Diesel let Pat do their entire front window, both the Brave Gallery and the window next door. Awesome!
A few minutes before 6 he started sketching out some initial locations for the characters.... and then he was off! painting like there was no tomorrow!
about 1.5 hours after starting:
2.5 hours later after starting:
Left and right Side! Batman and Joker and Venom and Spider-Man
A great turn out despite the rain, here's just one of our celebratory photos:
Terence, Stephen, Race, Rosanne, Pat Lee, the other Pat Lee and Phil!
On the way out i took one last shot from a nearby overhead walkway... sorry for the glare!
Cool! (how do you like those banners?!? that was my artistic contribution!) :-D
ok, that'll have to hold you guys for a few hours at least!
Everyone's probably still sleeping / hung over, but Stunti's pictures are here!
I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!