They're running commercials for the new Ed Norton Hulk movie on TV in the US now... it comes out in like two weeks... Iron Man just came out a few weeks ago --- so Marvel's doing two big films in the same summer? (maybe they've got modest expectations on the Hulk after the last one...)
also Indy 4 comes out this weekend here. Unfortunately I'm flying back to asia on Thursday, but because of the time change, I'll be too late for opening night in HK. [Anyone want to see it with me over the weekend?] :-P
Anyway, between Indy 4, Iron Man, the Hulk and the new Batman movie, the GI Joe movie... it seems like Hollywood will be making a lot of $$$ by the time Labor Day rolls around.
For those who are in Asia and elsewhere, tonight was a big day in US television history - not only was it the finale of 'American Idol' it was ALSO the finale of 'Dancing with the Stars' -- I've never actually seen this show before (it only started after I moved to Japan)... it was actually somewhat entertaining. I am glad that Kristi Yamaguchi won (sorry if I spoiled it for anyone who TIVOed it). -- but she sort of has an unfair advantage, being a professional ice skater, she had a lot more background than the football player, stand-up comic or tennis player. :-P
Video: [we all thought her partner was a little too creepie touchie feelie though, especially when they announced the winner... Joe said something to the effect of 'if i were her husband i'd punch that guy']
Anyway, after watching this show and also reading Lisa S's blog the other day, i thought it would be cool to try to organize something like this in HK... they have a Cantonese version of 'Deal or No Deal'... they used to do 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'...
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