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Yet more fake 'outrage' from politicians trying to con you...

Now that the completely orchestrated 'tea bag' events are over,  the politicians out to get Obama have had to move onto new sources of fake outrage to try and tear down their political foe.   

They tried to make a tempest out of greeting the Saudi king with a bow (completely normal in some parts of the world and much better than romantic strolls holding hands or man-to-man kisses...)  didn't get much traction though....

They tried to make a tempest out of the homeland security report that identified returning veterans as targets for right wing hate groups (...because they are.... but let's not ignore the fact that the report was commissioned and researched under the Bush administration...  not by Obama and his communist appointees, sorry).

Now they're trying to make a tempest out of this photo:

Obama meets Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela

Most of the right-wing talking heads and politicians have been speaking out about it.  Newt Gingrich, who has a PhD in history had this laughable exchange on the Today Show:

Q: But do you think he should not be trying to mend relationships with other world leaders?

GINGRICH: How do you mend relationships with somebody who hates your country, who actively calls for the destruction of your country and who wants to undermine you?

Q: But we certainly have mended relationships with countries that have hated us in the past. Russia comes to mind, China comes to mind.

GINGRICH:But we didn't rush over, smile, and greet Russian dictators. We understood who they were. In the age of the internet,  fact checking and calling out people on BS has become so much easier:

ouch,  i guess we did smile and greet Russian (Soviet) dictators with a warm handshake.  I guess the only difference is maybe these guys didn't 'rush over' before they did it.  Way to go Professor Gingrich! Poor knowledge of history aside,  why get all 'outraged' over one photo?  Will this lead to a change the balance of power in the world?  Will the Venezuelan Army be annexing Florida tomorrow because of our 'show of weakness'?   Was there a real show of weakness? 

Actually this Venezuelan TV clip shows more of their actual meeting (other than that one photo op shown above). 

A rather engaged, serious conversation.   It doesn't look like Obama was being pushed around by a petty tyrant at all.   I'd like to see Bill O'Rielly bring out his body language expert for this one...

Anyway,  keep this latest 'tempest'  in mind next time these guys open their mouths and speak....  they've tried to make something out of nothing so many times now, its not even worth keeping track.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i dislike Santorum a lot. i'm glad he lost, but now it means he has more time to go on TV and speak foolishness. :-P
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ac100 - yes, they've basically been reduced to a group of naysayers who throw temper tantrums. revisionism and exaggeration don't help their case at all.
almost 16 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
The stupidity of their criticism towards Obama is mind-boggling.
almost 16 years ago


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