Official Artist
International Fire Bird
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BLOG: 2月24日


9:30 am               Equipment move-in & set-up

2:00 pm               MC opening

2:00-3:30 pm      Drum Circle (Facilitator : Kumi Masunaga)

3:30-6:00 pm      Live Band Performance (7 local bands)

3:30-3:50 pm      - Hazden

3:50-4:10 pm      - Bi-Luo-Chun 碧螺春

4:10-4:30 pm      - Siu Pao 小炮樂隊

4:30-4:50 pm      - The Message

4:50-5:10 pm      - Frozen Matches 冰柴

5:10-5:30 pm      - F.B.I. 國際火鳥

5:30-5:50 pm      - Flames

We are going to have a show on 2nd March in the afternoon, this coming Sunday. After it we will go to see Josie Ho Concert. What a beautiful day, full of music~!

Let's Rock~!!!!!!!!!!!



almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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cool, another one!
almost 17 years ago


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September 21, 2007