Some people were calling it our come back show!!A friend of mine said it was the best FBI show he has ever came to
People randomly stopped me and told me directly that 'FBI is officially their favourite Hong Kong band from now on!'
Some people got to open their eyes and see F.B.I.
It was tripping me out because we got an encore and we hardly had no practice. I thought we played as good as we could given the situation. Still not our best. But, the audience lapped it up as we played 'Man Love' and got the crowd to sing along in the chorus.
We knew that we were off our game the week before and that it was our only chance for a full band practice before Underground 100.
I don't know what happened... we all pulled our shit together and did a whopper of a show to celebrate Underground 100!!!
How could we disappoint Chris B!
Watch the videos! Send it your favourite song to a friend to listen to cheer them up! It will be the last FBI show for another while sorry as I go into hospital tomorrow for a knee reconstruction.
Let's hope for the best!
Never say die~
I'm from F. B. I.
Video: 2. Hey!
Video: 6. (ENCORE)... Man Love!
Video: Thanks to SU LEE for the videos! I love the quality and the sound is awesome! Also must say thanks to Chris B and of our supporters, new and old!!! We love you!
Here is a review of our performance by the Underground and Timmy from Shotgun Politics. Check out more by clicking here for the rest of the line up, reviews, and heaps of pictures of FBI and the other bands that we shared the stage with: AIRTUB, SENSELESS, QUI HONG,The UNDERGROUND CREW BAnd and THE SLeeVes.
It was an awesome night with awesome bands. Go to the Underground website and check it out!!!
*Sinorita *Hey! *Jasmine Revolution *FU *FBI Theme Song *Man Love! [Encore]
We’ve come to a stage in the HK indie scene, where there is such diversity, that there are at least 2-3 bands that are right for the same job. What I’m trying to say is, if you need a band that will guarantee entertainment, the veterans in FBI should be on your top 5 list. It’s been very quiet on the Fire Bird International’s front recently, so I was quite keen to see whether or not they still had their trademark flair.
To fill in the usual lull that is rigging up, front man Cain offered his congratulations to the UG in the form of a poem that he had prepared. “Ode to the Underground” I believe it was called. It set the crowd in good spirits, actually, perhaps maintained the current good vibes set by the previous band and heroes: ‘Airtub’ I should say.
FBI then proceeded to demonstrate that being an energetic band with great stage presences is like riding a bike, you simply just don’t forget. They rifled through their brand of what I’m calling fusion-pop-punk at a good pace and never failed to capture the interest of the crowd, who’s appreciation of popular songs such as Senorita, Jasmine Revolution and of course Man Love, was reflected in the amount of dancing and jumping that was taking place. My favourite moment from the set was during the FBI Anthem, which is this sort of … rap, I suppose, where the band introduces themselves, I saw a middle aged man in the audience watching very intensely with this look of bemusement on his face. It was sort of like he was unsure if it was the strangest, or greatest thing he had seen. Listen, the point is, he was watching… closely, and so was everyone else. Well done fellas, welcome back.
– Timmy Gunn (
Shotgun Politics)
Here's some Man Love! coming your way!
Really funny video I happened to stumble on. Not the best of recordings. But, glad we could make more people happy.
When will we be back! Who knows? Watch the videos religiously until we do! lol!