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Govad Wong
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Because I'm sad, so I have an alien head.

I am sad, really sad, so, I cut all my hair, do some funny thing when I am sad. After I cut all my hair, I know I am really an alien~! I have a stupid face and an alien head!

Coz I'm sad, so do something stupid,people always do something stupid when they're sad, but I am more crazy! I don't know how can I get over of this, I think I am too stupid, but, anyways, I will keep going, I will keep waiting, yes that's stupid, that's crazy, that's really hurt, but,  I still love her, I will wait for her.

I am an alien, but I love you.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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hey silky ! I am so sorry u are same as me>"< If you wanna do something carzy, you should be a real crazy guy! If that's not make other people sad, or hurt someone, don't think, you only can live for 1 time, try more, even that's sad, you should enjoy your life!
over 16 years ago


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April 13, 2007