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Communicate show at Macau

17th May, 2008, we go to Macau to have a communicate show.

 With some B-boy and girls,  This is a pretty good idea, b-boy tell what's breaking, we tell what's capoeira, also on Jazz and other, everybody have fun in the show, everybody dance, everybody also have a part of the show, at the same time we all also is a spectators.

We have take some pic, also, here is the video of capoeirapart, let's check it out!

08年5月17日, 我們到了澳門進行了一個交流表演。

和霹靂舞者, 爵士舞者等的一同交流, 這是個非常好的意念, 不同的舞者可以向其他人介紹自己的舞蹈, 如霹靂舞, 巴西戰舞。

大家在表演中都十分開心, 大家都有進行表演, 大家都是觀眾。

這裡有些我們當日的照片, 而這是我們巴西戰舞的影片。



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