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Govad Wong
Sports , Sports Coach
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I miss wargame!

I miss wargame so mcuh!!! I havn't been wargame for an helf  year already! Today, I back to

the battle again! I miss my team, I miss the feeling in the battle! It make me feel I'm a man and my brother be with me! I love wargame, coz that is like a life, you need to belive in yourself, your skill, your friends, and you need to train! Sometimes you alone and facing something sounds like crazy, but, you can make it, sometime is painful, is treid, but, like life, that's fun! And, that make me feel "I am not useless!"

I love my team they are really good and fun! I am so luckly that I broke my gun today, shit! Luckly my friend got the other then I can keep on fighting! My gun....>"< That's a lovely AK47 with 3000 rounds! Check out the pic here!:

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 23009
use bb gun yo shoot someone^^ is cheaper than paintball, but the gear and the gear should be more explain than paintball
almost 17 years ago


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April 13, 2007