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Act now! Submit your film to the 36th HKIFF! |立即行動!第三十六屆香港國際電影節現正接受報名參展

The Hong Kong International Film Festival, recognized throughout the world for its eclectic, intelligent programmes, is accepting submissions to 36th HKIFF (21 March – 5 April, 2012).

FIREBIRD Awards in Young Cinema Competition, Documentary Competition, Short Film Competition will be presented. Awards include cash awards and paid visit to the 36th HKIFF.

Submit HERE for a chance to be a part of this spectacular event!

Act Now! AFA Film Submission from NOW till 30 November 2011 

The Asian Film Awards (AFA) is an international pioneering programme, honoring filmmakers with outstanding achievements in the field of Asian cinema. The AFA is the only platform in the world that brings together the best cinematic talents of Asia, drawing film fans and professionals from all across the globe.

Seize the opportunity! Submit your film for the AFA nomination now!

Set Foot on Asia’s Premier Film Financing Platform –

HAF 2012 Project Submission Deadline: 11 November 2011

5 days to go and Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) 2012 will close submission on 11 November 2011! From this year on, HAF welcomes documentary projects to showcase a wider range of talents. Apply now and seize your chance to win up to HK$350,000 cash awards with the HAF Award, the HAF Script Development Fund and the all-new FOX Chinese Film Development Award!

Online submission:

http://www.haf.org.hk/ ProjectEntry12/hafappform. asp?applyfor=haf

Selection criteria and required application materials:

http://www.haf.org.hk/haf/ submission.htm

| 立即行動!第三十六屆香港國際電影節現正接受報名參展香港國際電影節一向以包羅萬有又精挑細選的優質節目在國際備受讚賞。第三十六屆香港國際電影節(2012年3月21日至4月5日)現己公開接受報名。


把握機會, 按此參與這個非凡的光影盛事。


截止日期:2011年11月30日 亞洲電影大獎是首個表揚亞洲電影業傑出人士的頒獎禮,亦是全球唯一讓全亞洲台前幕後精英聚首一堂的盛會,吸引世界各地業界參與及影迷注目。

請把握良機, 立即提名

立即申請HAF 2012,踏上國際級電影融資平台

截止日期:2011年11月11日 香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)2012現正招募電影計劃!申請期只剩五天,2011年11月11日截止報名!本屆HAF亦歡迎紀錄片的計劃參與,讓更多電影人才曝光。 立即申請,有機會贏取總值港幣三十五萬元的現金 HAF大獎、 HAF 華語劇本發展基金獎,以及首設的 FOX 華語電影開創大奬!






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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 18, 2009