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波蘭著名導演華意達今年剛好九十大壽,Cine Fan特別選映了他的兩部經典作──《大理石人》與《鐵人》。《大理石人》透過電影系女生查訪史太林時期勞動模範比古特的故事,敢於在共產統治時期以電影戳破謊言,踩入歷史禁區,對社會主義官僚體制、個人崇拜和意識形態控制,均極盡批判之能事,堪稱華意達的巔峰傑作。


《大理石人》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/man-of-marble/?lang=zh 《鐵人》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/man-of-iron/?lang=zh

Andrzej Wajda: MAN OF MARBLE and MAN OF IRON

Polish filmmaker Andrzej Wajda turns 90 this year, Cine Fan showcases two of his masterpieces - MAN OF MARBLE and MAN OF IRON - this month. MAN OF MARBLE is an epic film about the rise and fall of Stakhanovite bricklayer Mateusz Birkut, as a young film student attempting to make her thesis film on this heroic laborer.

The Cannes Palme d'Or-winning MAN OF IRON, is the important sequel to MAN OF MARBLE. Wajda boldly criticizes the Polish communist regime by clarifying Birkut's demise during the 1970 protests, and follows the story of his son, an activist who instigated the worker strikes at Gdansk Shipyard. Labor activist Lech Walesa, the real-life leader of the Solidarity Movement appears as himself in the film.

MAN OF MARBLE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/man-of-marble/ MAN OF IRON: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/man-of-iron/


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